This was sent to me via e-mail by Stephanie Hersch, Julia’s personal assistant for 15 years, when Julia died in Santa Barbara on August 13, 2004, two days before her 92nd birthday.
Julia has brought pleasure to so many people, and she will certainly be sorely missed. Please join me in sending a wave of love to her by raising a glass to salute the beautiful life of Julia McWilliams Child on Saturday, August 14th at 8PM. Wherever you are, stop and take moment to remember the happy and wonderful things about Julia, and know that you are surrounded by a huge support group of fellow admirers.
She wasn’t sentimental, and her thoughts never dwelled in the past. But mine do, and I still remember the screech and snap as rolls of tape were dragged across a mountain of cardboard to create the army of boxes used to pack up 103 Irving Street. She left that house without even a glance backward. She took one full suitcase, and smiled as she headed home to California after 40 years on the “other” coast. It didn’t matter to her that someone else would be living there because she was ready to take on her new adventure. And so, in November of 2000, Julia left Massachusetts with the optimism and infectious enthusiasm that were her trademark.
It was interesting to feel a sense of loss for a place that wasn’t mine. And, as each of the relatives came to take away their stash of goodies, I felt the house’s sense of wonderment for the changes about to take place. It wasn’t sad, but it was poignant. Yet, it all was overshadowed by the glory of knowing two things. One, that I had a hand in directing all of the “Julia Junk” from the kitchen (actually the whole kitchen including the floor, cabinets, and every appliance!) to the Smithsonian Museum of American History so that everyone everywhere could have the chance to visit and glean a sense of the love that emanated from that room. And two, that I was about to embark on a new path as Julia entered a new phase of her wondrous life.
She was worried that I might be giving up an opportunity to launch my career if I stayed with her. She was like that – always interested in what people were going to do next. I didn’t know what would be next, and I was not ready to make those kinds of decisions. I couldn’t picture her slowing down; it wasn’t an image that I could comprehend. So, off I went to the Sunshine State, knowing what I was leaving behind me, and apprehensive and excited about what lie ahead. But after being with her for 13 years, I wasn’t ready to give up my place by her side. I figured that whatever career I launched could wait. I’m glad that I thought that way, and I think she was too.
There were many changes for both of us. She settled nicely into her “digs” as she called them. And, all seemed right with the world for her. But eventually, in spite of her vivid, active, curious mind, her body didn’t have the ability to keep up the pace. It was mean, and unfair, and agonizing for me to watch. Yet, at the same time it was inspirational to be with her as she heroically battled and overcame each and every obstacle with her trademark optimism and joie de vivre.
Throughout the last 16 years, I often heard people say that they loved Julia, but my affection goes well beyond a casual sense of endearment. Respect and admiration for her are only the starting point, and my sense of loss is immeasurable. As I endeavor to move on past the pain, I shall try to carry with me her overwhelming desire to do more, to seek adventure, and to passionately go forward with a song in my heat. I shall treasure the joy of knowing that I was so very lucky to catch a glimpse into the life of a legend.
Julia said that “When you die, you’re dead; and that’s the end. There isn’t anything else.” But I know in my heart that she was happily surprised to be wrong. And, I am sure she is eating an In-N-Out burger with Paul on the beach, surrounded by old friends and family and Escoffier, who is undoubtedly intrigued with the burger!
Julia has brought pleasure to so many people, and she will certainly be sorely missed. Please join me in sending a wave of love to her by raising a glass to salute the beautiful life of Julia McWilliams Child on Saturday, August 14th at 8PM. Wherever you are, stop and take moment to remember the happy and wonderful things about Julia, and know that you are surrounded by a huge support group of fellow admirers.
With fond thoughts, much love, and my heartfelt condolences,
Stephanie Hersh